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Hélder Spínola
E-mail: hspinola@uma.pt
Telefone: +351 291 705 390
Curriculum vitae: formato PDF

2006 - Doutorado em Citogenética e Biologia Molecular pela Universidade da Madeira, Portugal. Aprovado com louvor e distinção.

1996, Licenciatura em Biologia Universidade da Madeira

Publicações Científicas

Revistas internacionais

Gonçalves R, Spínola H, Brehm A. (2007). Y-chromosome lineages in São Tomé e Príncipe islands: an evidence of European influence. American Journal of Human Biology (in press).
Spínola H, Bruges-Armas J, Mora MG, Middleton D, Brehm A. (2006). HLA genes in Madeira Island (Portugal) inferred from sequence-based typing: Footprints from different origins. Molecular Immunology 43: 1726-1728.

Spínola H, Bruges-Armas J, Middleton D, Brehm A. (2005). HLA polymorphisms in Cabo Verde and Guiné-Bissau inferred from sequence-based typing. Human Immunology 66: 1082-1092.

Spínola H, Brehm A, Bettencourt B, Middleton D, Bruges-Armas J. (2005). HLA class I and II polymorphisms in Azores show different settlements in Oriental and Central islands. Tissue Antigens 66: 217-230.

Spínola H, Middleton D, Brehm A. (2005). HLA genes in Portugal inferred from sequence-based typing: in the crossroad between Europe and Africa. Tissue Antigens 66: 26-36.

Spínola H, Williams F, Brehm A, middleton D. (2004). HLA-A, -B, and –DRB1 alleles in populations from Madeira, Cabo Verde and Three other regions of Portugal. Human Immunology 65: 1053-1057.

Couto AR,, Gonzalez T, Spínola H, Santos MR, Gantes Mora M, Brehm A, Peixoto MJ, Garret F, Bruges Armas J. (2004). HLA-B2703 in Azores Caucasoids. Genes Immun 5 (1): 233.

Brehm A, Jesus J, Spínola H, Alves C, Vicente L, Harris DJ. (2003). Phylogeography of the Madeiren endemic lizard Lacerta dugesii inferred from mtDNA sequences. Mol Phyllogent Evol 26(2): 222-230.

Spínola H, Brehm A, Williams F, Jesus J, Middleton D. (2002). Distribution of HLA alleles in Portugal and Cabo Verde. Relationships with the slave trade route. Ann Hum Genet 66: 285-296.

Freitas H and Brehm A. (2001). Phylogenetic relationships of the Macaronesian Porella based on molecular markers. J Heredity 92(4): 339-345.


Revistas nacionais

Peixoto MJ, Gonzales MD, Spínola H, Couto AR, Gantes Mora M, Brehm A, Santos MM, Garret F, Bruges Armas J. (2005). Polimorfismo do alelo HLA-B27 no desenvolvimento das espondilartropatias. Acta Méd Port 18: 283-294.


Artigos submetidos para publicação

Spínola H, Bruges-Armas J, Brehm A. (2006). Comparative study of HLA typing by SSOP and SBT. Human Biology (submitted).



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Laboratório de Genética Humana

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