Untitled Document
António Brehm
Director do LGH
Professor Catedrático
E-mail: brehm@uma.pt
Telefone: +351 291 705 390 / 83
Página web: www.uma.pt/abrehm

Graduated in Lisbon University, Life Sciences in 1985.

From 1985 to 1991 studied and worked at the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece) under Professor Costas Krimbas supervision.

Got his Ph.D. at the Claude Bernard University in Villeurbanne (France), in 1990, on Drosophyla phylogenetics.

From 1992 is Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology of Madeira University.

Main interests are molecular phylogeography and molecular human genetics.

From 2001 is Director of the Laboratory of Human Genetics.

Untitled Document

Laboratório de Genética Humana

Universidade da Madeira, Edifício CITMA, Campus da Penteada, 9000-360 Funchal

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